Thursday, February 11, 2010


Subject: Money for Training Trip


How do I receive reimbursement for a training trip? Do you know who I should ask?

Please reply at your convenience.


Netiquette Activity
Rules for Email Etiquette:

Value of Email:
1. Be Cordial to your Audience
Refrain from pointing out their mistakes. If you disagree with his or her ideas then say so in a polite and friendly manner. Use the Golden Rule when conducting your emails. Do not say something to other people that you would not like them saying to you. Your email must contain valuable information that addresses a concern, facilitates your audience to act, or notifies the audience of important upcoming events. Never send a pointless email. That wastes your time and the time of your reader.

Use of capitals and lowercase letters:
2. Refrain from using all caps. It makes the reader perceive you are screaming at them. If something must be emphasized, then italicize or bold those few words. Remember to always use spell checker to avoid grammatical errors. Be sure to capitalize proper nouns at all times.

Use of confidential, sensitive, and private information:
3. As a general rule, do not post anything in an email that you would not want published in the newspaper. Remember that email is sent unencrypted and may be easily read by more than the intended receiver. If private information must be shared then contact that person by telephone or arrange a meeting where the two of you can discuss the issue one-on-one. If information is confidential, perhaps sending it by email is not the best choice because email poses many privacy concerns.


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